Work from home with style and wit
If it is no longer clear in the home office who the boss is, then it's time to mark your territory.
Guarantees respect among partner, child and pet.
If it is no longer clear in the home office who the boss is, then it's time to mark your territory.
Guarantees respect among partner, child and pet.
Your order (if it is a poster) will be sent without a frame in a sturdy cardboard roll via Swiss Post
Unfortunately, it is impossible to send a framed picture, so we only send rolled posters. However, we have a small stock of A1 and A2 picture frames from Nielsen Design in the Plakatkeller.
As picture frames in F4 format are very difficult to obtain, we offer ready-mounted pictures in F4 format, which are delivered directly to your home. This service is provided by the Uldry print shop in Hinterkappelen.
The pictures are mounted on an aluminum dibond board. Two U-profiles are attached to the back of the panel, which allow easy hanging using two nails or screws.
You can find the opening hours on the Plakatkeller Seite